the new CAP, a “half hearted agreement”



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The new common agricultural policy (CAP) was voted in PEuropean parliament in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) on Tuesday 23 November. In duplex on the spot, the journalist of France Télévisions Christine Boos takes stock in the 23 hours of Franceinfo on an agreement which does not seem to satisfy everyone.

The European Parliament adopted a new CAP on Tuesday 23 November in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). After three and a half years of negotiations, it is “a half-hearted chord” which was found according to the journalist of France Televisions Christine Boos, in duplex on the spot for the 23 hours of Franceinfo. “The new common agricultural policy is intended to be greener, it actually provides for paying premiums to farmers who use more ecological techniques or who will contribute to animal welfare”, she says.

There are new features such as the management of “eco-diets“by states directly. “Some see it as a form of renationalization of the common agricultural policy, with the risk of disparities between States. France, for example, will promote a high quality environmental label, which is environmental in name only. Where Austria will rather favor organic farming, which will lead to a distortion of competition “, explains the journalist. She adds that “80% of aid will still be paid to only 20% of farmers”. “For all these reasons, the left of this parliament as well as environmentalists denounce a deplorable CAP from an environmental point of view and in total contradiction with the climate objectives of the European Green Pact which aim for zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 “, concludes Christine Boos.

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