the new album sold only in concert halls, disappointed fans

“The Return of the Kings” will initially not be available on streaming platforms to reward those who will come during the tour in March.

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Fans of rap group Sexion d’Assaut had a two-step reaction to the announcement of the new album’s arrival, after ten years of absence: “At first I was very happy and then I saw that they were going to sell it only at the concert”, souffle Clément, 21 years old. As music streaming platforms have become essential and CD revenues continue to decline around the world, The return of the kings will only be available in concert halls during the band’s tour in March 2022. In any case at first.

Clement does not understand this strategy: “With lots of friends, on Friday evening, as soon as an album comes out, we listen to it at the same time to give each other’s reactions. There it won’t be possible, it’s a shame.”

“In the end, it will be sold next to the bar in concert halls. It is not necessarily what we expected for an album of such magnitude.”

Clément, Sexion d’Assaut fan

to franceinfo

Sexion d’Assaut says he wants to offer it to fans who travel but on the internet many do not care about the strategy: “Who still owns a CD player?” The album is in fact likely to leak very quickly on the internet. “The same evening he will be on Youtube, that’s obvious “, says Sophian Fanen, journalist for the site Les Jours and author of a book on streaming. According to him, the group hijacks the object that is the album: “The record is no longer used as a listening vehicle. We are really in the strategy of building a community of fans who come together around somewhat cult objects, a little cuddly toy.”

And Sexion d’Assaut will not be able to do without platforms in the long term according to Sophian Fanen, because this is where the heart of listening is now.

Contested strategy for Sexion d’Assaut’s new album: report by Maureen Suignard

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