The new 3rd link launched in 2026, hopes Bernard Drainville

The Minister of Education and MNA for Lévis, Bernard Drainville, hopes that the new version of the government’s third link will be launched as early as 2026. He also hopes to convince the “skeptics” to travel there by public transport, even if he even still has not given up the desire to get a highway tunnel.

“That’s my goal: to get to 2026 and tell people, ‘Look, we’re doing it. It’s not just words”, launched the elected Tuesday, at the end of a meeting of deputies from the greater Quebec City region.

Within three years, therefore, the minister would like to show citizens, even the most skeptical, “that we have really, really made progress, and that the achievement is underway”.

In front of the journalists, he said he felt the incredulity of the citizens in the face of the new public transport project proposed by the government. “We haven’t been spoiled so much when it comes to public transit in the region that I can understand people who say: ‘I’m staying in my car, give me peace with your public transit,'” he said. -he assures.

The Minister nevertheless hopes to convince the skeptics – and first and foremost the mayor of Lévis, Gilles Lehouillier – to finally “believe” in the new project.

Still, Mr. Drainville himself has not buried his dream of driving “from downtown to downtown” by car. “I think there will one day be an additional highway link in the greater Capitale-Nationale — Chaudière-Appalaches region. Now when? I am not able to tell you, ”he dropped.

Last week, he said “continue to believe that there will be a motorway link one day”. However, he refused to call the redesign of the project a “consolation prize”.

More details will follow.

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