the Netherlands opt for a re-containment strategy




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A few days before the end of the year holidays, the Netherlands chose the option of containment to stem the significant wave of Covid-19. A restrictive measure while the Dutch indicators are quite similar to those of France.

After a first day of confinement in Amsterdam, the Dutch capital does not have the same crowds as usual. The same goes for tourists who are becoming rarer. As explained live from the Netherlands on Sunday December 19, Hugo Puffeney, journalist from France Televisions, after this first day of reconfinement, an American tourist he met decided to change country in order to end his vacation in Europe. .

Among the restrictions imposed by the Dutch government, there is the closure of all non-essential shops, theaters, cinemas, concert halls as well as bars, restaurants, sports halls, hairdressers or even optical stores. Other restrictions, of a more private nature, were imposed. Indeed, the Dutch are not allowed to receive more than two people in their homes. An exception will be allowed for Christmas and New Year’s evenings when this gauge rises to four people. These measures will remain in effect at least until January 14.


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