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Pension reform can no longer wait, insists Emmanuel Macron. In the Netherlands, the pension system is cited as one of the most generous in Europe, but in this country of just over 17 million inhabitants, the legal retirement age has risen to 67.
Even in the rain of the Netherlands, Marie-Christine Kok Stopovera 75-year-old French historian, keeps smiling. For holding academic positions in The Hague (Netherlands) for 35 years, she receives 4,000 euros raw per month for ten years. A Dutch pension that she knows to be generous. “The pension system is considered quite model. You need flexibility, and here, what exists is flexibility”she explains.
In the Netherlands, the pension system is based on two pillars. From the age of 67, a basic income of 1,244 euros net per month is paid by theState for a single person, whether he worked or not. To that s‘adds additional income that can go up to 80% of the average salary. To benefit from it, you have to pay part of your salary to pension funds. A mixed system that limits the risks, according to the National Pensions Federation. If the system works for employees, the reality is however quite different for the self-employed, who cannot contribute to pension funds.