The NDP stands apart by calling for an end to the bombings in Gaza

The worsening human toll in Gaza reveals increasingly clear cracks in the consensus of support for Israel in the Canadian Parliament, as the New Democratic Party (NDP) insists that Canada seek a ceasefire .

“We must end the death and destruction in Israel and Palestine,” chanted NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh during question period Tuesday.

He cited a strike on a hospital in Gaza that left hundreds dead Tuesday evening, local time, to reiterate his party’s position: the NDP demands a ceasefire in Gaza.

This request was echoed by at least three Liberal MPs. Ontario elected officials Yasir Naqvi and Iqra Khalid took to social media to ask, too, that Canada plead for a ceasefire. Their colleague Salma Zahid made the same request in the House.

On Monday, NDP Foreign Affairs critic Heather McPherson suggested that Canadians find the “violations of the law” represented by Israel’s military response, described as “retaliation on a massive scale, unacceptable.” ladder “.

No other federal party has gone so far in its nuances regarding the support to be provided to Israel, a country victim of a major terrorist attack ten days ago, and which is in the middle of a military response targeting the Palestinian territory of Gaza.

“We feel that the NDP stands apart. Certainly on the side of the Liberal Party, the Conservative Party and the Bloc [québécois]support for Israel is quite solid,” confirms Richard Marceau, vice-president of the Center for Israeli and Jewish Affairs (CIJA).

The representative of the country’s Jewish communities believes that the best way to ensure a return of peace to this region of the Middle East is the complete destruction of Hamas, which is the objective of the current military operation . “If there is a ceasefire tomorrow morning, what do we do with Hamas? »

Pacifist proposal

The idea of ​​a ceasefire was not made explicit in the imposing declaration of some 700 words issued to clarify the position of the progressive party two days after the surprise attack by Hamas against Israeli civilians, on the 7 october. Instead, any “military solution” was rejected, while calling for “a credible peace process.”

However, NDP activists met in a convention a few days later, last weekend, in Hamilton, Ontario. Delegates took part in protests at the event to demand that their leader do more to defend Palestinian rights.

The New Democrats ultimately lined up behind a motion respecting the broad outlines of the leader’s pacifist position, calling Hamas’ actions “terrorist” but demanding a “ceasefire” in the conflict.

The spokesperson for Canadian diplomacy, Minister Mélanie Joly, made no criticism of Israel on Tuesday, other than reiterating the request to establish a humanitarian corridor for civilians stuck in Gaza.

“We call on Israel, Egypt, the United States, the G7, Jordan, all the countries involved in this major crisis, the largest terrorist attack in the last 50 years in Israel, to ensure that civilians be protected,” she promised during a press scrum.

Separate position

Moments of tension also emerged during a debate on the issue in the House of Commons on Monday evening, after interventions by the leader of the NDP and his MP Heather McPherson shocked other parliamentarians.

“When we stop seeing the humanity in others, when we stop believing that all life has value, we pave the way for genocide,” said Jagmeet Singh, for example. However, he never accused Israel of this crime.

“The leader of the NDP seemed to show empathy towards the victims of the terrorist attack committed by Hamas until he added a ‘but’,” criticized Liberal MP Ben Carr. Conservative MP Garnett Genuis charged Mr Singh with “making the case for absolute pacifism”.

His colleague Melissa Lantsman was offended that Israel’s military response had been called “revenge.” “I wonder if the hon. [du NPD] can tell us whether it considers that Israel’s response constitutes revenge or is rather an exercise of its right to defend itself. »

Last week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau carefully avoided saying whether he believed the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip was legal, even though the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights clarified that it was. prohibited by international humanitarian law.

Over the weekend, the Canadian government began demanding the opening of a humanitarian corridor to Gaza. « News from the hospital [touché par des frappes sur Gaza] are staggering and unacceptable,” Justin Trudeau responded on Tuesday. “We are here to ensure that we do everything we can to ensure that international law is followed, that civilians are protected and that hostages are released”

Dissensions also in Quebec

In Quebec, on Tuesday, a motion from the Coalition Avenir Québec in support of Israel caused quite a stir when Québec solidaire (QS) and the Parti Québécois (PQ) refused to support it because it did not name the “violations to international law” of the Jewish State.

“Unfortunately, this motion contains no mention of the Palestinian victims of this conflict, not a word,” denounced the spokesperson for international relations of QS, Guillaume Cliche-Rivard, a few moments before abstaining from the vote, as colleagues.

” It’s very sad. In retaliation for the Hamas terrorist attacks, the Israeli government was quick to rain bombs on Gaza, bombs that kill families, children, elders. »

QS and the PQ claim to have proposed amendments to condemn Israel’s attacks against Palestinian civilians. “They refused to allow it to be added. Do you understand where the problem is? » lamented the PQ leader, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, in the press scrum.

“The fact that we bomb civilians, that we bomb apartment buildings, that we create a blockade, that we starve, that we prevent people from having access to health services, there is rules of international law which say that we cannot do that,” added the PQ’s new international relations spokesperson, Pascal Paradis.

The Minister of International Relations, who originally tabled the motion “strongly condemning the terrorist acts perpetrated by Hamas against Israel and its people” did not stop Tuesday to explain her refusal to accept the amendments of the opposition.

In the morning, she refused to say whether she believed that Israel was acting in accordance with international law. “Right now, it’s difficult to answer that question,” she said. Prime Minister François Legault, for his part, said he understood “that Israel wants to defend itself so that Hamas stops taking actions like that.”

With François Carabin

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