The naturalness of Jérémy Demay

It is a more vulnerable side, without a social mask, that Jérémy Demay will present in his third show, Natural. The 39-year-old comedian’s third one-man show will be launched in the spring of 2023, has learned The newspaperand his poster should be talked about.

• Read also: “I learned to put my ego aside”

Jérémy Demay who jumps blazing naked, from behind, in a lake: this is the poster for the comedian’s new show. “It’s a bet that we take not to show my face. We’ll see if it’s a very good or a very bad idea. [rires]!”

The comedian will not show himself in his simplest device on stage, rest assured, but he will be naked in the figurative sense. “I have spent my life wanting to show everyone that I am a beautiful person. But in fact, I’m just a beautiful person, and sometimes at least beautiful, like everyone else. This show is about taking off the social mask we’ve all worn since we were little and showing more vulnerability.

Jeremy Demay

Photo Martin Alarie

Jeremy Demay

For the first time, Jérémy Demay thus allowed himself to tell stories that he would never have dared to share in the past. “But I’m not saying I’m doing coke deals in Thailand [rires]! I show people what I am, at the risk that they stop loving me. But I realize that the more I am vulnerable and I open up, the more I allow people to open up too.

The creation of the show Natural, which Jérémy designed with his long-time accomplice Gilles Cormier, has already been completed. He did about thirty break-in shows this summer and will add a few more in the coming months. Why not officially launch the tour until the spring of 2023, then?

“I had to return to play in France this fall and in the winter, mentions the comedian. But I’m not going back. And it was too late to change the dates of the premieres. It will give me time to be a full-time dad.”

In Quebec with the family

Jérémy Demay spent the first six months of 2022 in France. At that time, the comedian wanted to seriously develop the French market. By the end of his stay, however, he had completely changed his mind.

“My girlfriend and I realized that it was not pleasant to live in Paris with two babies [il a une fille de deux ans et demi et une autre née en juillet]. We want to be happy and raise our children in a place where there is no stress and noise. It’s not a good quality of life.”

  • Jérémy Demay will present his show Natural on May 17, 2023, at the Olympia in Montreal, and on June 1, 2023, at the Salle Albert-Rousseau in Quebec. For all dates:

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