the national secretary of EELV “fully assumes” the “disappointing and failure” result of the first round


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The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot gathered 4.7% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election. His presidential campaign “did not work”, assumes Julien Bayou.

The result of Europe Ecology-The Greens in the first round of the presidential election “is disappointing, it’s a failure”, recognized Julien Bayou, the national secretary of Europe-Ecology Les Verts (EELV), on franceinfo on Sunday April 17. The candidate Yannick Jadot gathered 4.7% of the votes and his campaign “did not work”, assumes Julien Bayou. He therefore calls on his party to “ask questions and learn lessons”. And to do this, during a “federal council” organized on Saturday by EELV, Julien Bayou asked for the production “a sort of notebook of grievances so that activists can convey their feelings”.

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Europe Écologie-Les Verts having failed to pass the 5% mark during the first round of the presidential election, his campaign expenses will not be reimbursed. “It’s a slate, a very heavy deficit of more than five million euros that we have to repay”, regrets Julien Bayou. He recalls that a call for donations was launched, collecting in one week 1.2 million euros. The national secretary of EELV thus salutes “an incredible effort of solidarity” but ensures that a “extra effort” will be asked to “elected officials who contribute each month” as well as to “ecological regions”. They will be “used to support, to spread investments”he explains.

Julien Bayou draws a parallel with the National Rally, which according to him has not finished repaying a loan of 9 million euros to a Russian creditor. “Unlike the far right, we don’t have the support of the Russian oligarchs to have subsidized loans on which you don’t repay anything”, accuses the national secretary of EELV. He thus denounces a “very direct dependence on friends of the Kremlin” from the party of Marine Le Pen.

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