the National Rally wins two vice-president positions, the socialist Valérie Rabault first vice-president

The new deputies appointed, on Wednesday, the office of the National Assembly, which includes an unprecedented number of women.

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In an upset Hemicycle, the office of the National Assembly transfigured. The new deputies proceeded, Wednesday, June 29, to the election of the main positions of the lower house of Parliament, the day after the accession of Yaël Braun-Pivet to the perch. And ten days after the election of 89 deputies of the National Rally (RN) during the legislative elections, the far-right parliamentarians obtained two posts of vice-presidents, in the person of Sébastien Chenu and Hélène Laporte.

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The other four vice-presidential positions all go to women: Elodie Jacquier-Laforge (MoDem), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), Caroline Fiat (LFI-Nupes) and Valérie Rabault (PS-Nupes). The socialist, who was approached at the beginning of the week to run for the finance committee, becomes first vice-president of the National Assembly. The Vice-Presidents sit in the Conference of Presidents and occasionally stand in for the President when she is absent.

Three deputies were also elected quaestors, a post which makes it possible to draw up the budget of the Palais-Bourbon while managing the staff of the National Assembly. These are Renaissance parliamentarians (ex-LREM) Eric Woerth and Marie Guévenoux, as well as LR Eric Ciotti, who already held this position under the previous legislature.

After two days dedicated to the election of the main positions of the National Assembly, Thursday, June 30 will be devoted to the election of the officers of the eight standing committees (laws, defence, sustainable development and regional planning, cultural affairs and education, social affairs, economic affairs, foreign affairs). Among them, the Finance Committee will focus all eyes, while the Nupes and the National Rally are each trying to win the presidency of this very powerful commission.

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