the National Rally in turn tabled a bill to reinstate them

The deputies of La France insoumise failed on November 24 to have the National Assembly adopt the text for the reintegration of unvaccinated caregivers.

In order to reintegrate personnel not vaccinated against Covid-19, the National Rally has tabled a bill which could be included on the agenda of its parliamentary niche in January, reveals France Inter on Monday November 28. The National Rally thus takes over from La France insoumise, whose examination of the bill has not been able to succeed.

>> Covid-19: four questions on the reintegration of unvaccinated caregivers

Marine Le Pen had undertaken during her campaign to reinstate personnel not vaccinated against Covid-19, suspended since August 2021. To put pressure on the executive, the RN could include this text in its parliamentary niche (day when each party decides on the agenda for the meeting) scheduled for January 12.

The text of the National Rally, which France Inter was able to consult, is not the same as that of La France insoumise. It does not provide for a strict health protocol to replace the vaccination obligation and no test. The National Rally wants staff suspended from public establishments to be compensated, the equivalent of a period of unemployment, provided that they undertake to keep a job in the sector of activity concerned.

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