Laurent Lafon, centrist senator from Val-de-Marne was the guest of “6:20 p.m. franceinfo” this Friday March 29.
Reading time: 8 min

For the centrist senator from Val-de-Marne Laurent Lafon, the announcement from the Ministry of National Education to deploy a “national mobile school force” is a “useful measure”, he says, Friday March 29, on franceinfo. However, the president of the Committee on Culture, Education, Communication and Sport of the Senate believes that “It will only solve a small part of the problems”. According to him, “When we are in a crisis situation, we must also take measures to prevent a crisis from occurring.”
Laurent Lafon assures him, the problem is “diffuse and massive”. “Set up a crisis team why not”, he adds but “national education must not stop at this simple answer.” For the senator, we must also tackle “training, the question of sanctions within establishments, we must also raise the question of the place of parents in the school… In short, it is really an action plan that must be put in place and not just an action even if it is justified.
The measure “is not up to par”
Friday, the Minister of National Education, Nicolas Belloubet, declared that to ensure “physical security” in educational establishments, “a national mobile school force” would be deployed. She “could be projected into establishments experiencing difficulties”. The minister clarified that this “mobile school force” was “intended to reassure teachers and educational teams” and that it would be composed of a “twenty people to start”of the “CPE, staff who will come and help school leaders”.
Questioned about the figure of around twenty, Laurent Lafon recognizes that the measurement “is not up to par” but that’s not why “That’s not a good answer.” More broadly, behind these declarations, Laurent Lafon analyzes that “the first challenge facing National Education today is a question of training”. According to him, it must be “massive and continuous but also initial to ensure that all educational staff are prepared to face situations for which today they are not ready”.
In conclusion, these measures will not restore teachers’ confidence immediately: “Confidence is not going to be restored in a few days, it is long-term work that must be undertaken. It is good that there is a strong expression coming from the highest level of the State but it is not Don’t stop at this expression.”