For example, the DNSP would like the mapping of sites identified as sensitive to be updated.
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The National Directorate of Public Security (DNSP) wishes to strengthen the security of vitally important points and strategic transport and telecommunications points in France, franceinfo learned from the DNSP on Monday, July 29.
Following several actions carried out in recent days in France aimed at “points of vital importance or nerve centers of communication and transport”the DNSP sends a message to the zonal directorates and to the departmental and interdepartmental directorates in conjunction with the zone prefectures to ask them to take action.
For example, the DNSP wants the mapping of sites identified as sensitive to be updated. It also wants surveillance and protection measures – in coordination with partners – to be intensified. Also among the requests: ensuring real-time reporting to the CIPN (National Police Information Center) of any incident, coordinating operational actions and initiatives with the correspondents of the sites concerned, or ensuring information is provided to the SDAT (anti-terrorism sub-directorate) which has been designated for coordination on the judicial aspect.
The DNSP thus hopes “an optimal level of security throughout the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.” On the night of Thursday to Friday last, the SNCF network suffered an attack “massive”, “an act of sabotage” according to Gabriel Attal, which seriously disrupted the circulation of his trains. Three days later, on the night of Sunday to Monday, the fiber optic networks of several French operators were targeted by new acts of sabotage.