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09h00 : It’s 9 a.m., here’s the gist of the news in four headlines:
• In an opinion much awaited by the government, the National Consultative Ethics Committee has given the green light to the opening of vaccination for all children from 5 to 11 years old. The authority is however opposed to a vaccination obligation and a health pass for children.
• A health defense council is scheduled at 4 pm at the Elysee Palace to decide on possible new measures to curb the epidemic. The executive announced yesterday a tightening of travel conditions between France and the United Kingdom, very affected by Omicron.
• What place does she intend to play in the countryside on the left? Former socialist justice minister Christiane Taubira is due to speak at the end of the morning with the intention of “weigh in on yourself to try to federate”, according to a relative.
• Olympic champions on their way to world gold? France faces Denmark at 5.30 p.m. in the semifinals of the World Cup in Spain. Les Bleues leave with the status of favorites, even if the Danes are also undefeated since the start of the tournament.
08:42 : @ Orval92: The question was asked yesterday in our chat with the former Director General of Health William Dab, who believes that adolescents remain protected at this stage. “The studies underway will allow us to know in the coming months whether the booster dose is of real interest for 12-18 year olds”, he replied.
08:44 : Good morning ! I wonder about the big ones forgotten by the vaccination booster, namely the 12-17 year olds … my 16 year old daughter received her 2nd dose in July and we never talk about them … we encouraged them ( by making them feel a little guilty in passing …) to the vaccination and there we evoke the very young without relaunching the protection of teenagers … I admit not understanding too much …
08:43 : “It is important to vaccinate children and that this vaccination is well followed.”
In its opinion in favor of opening vaccination every 5-11 years, the CCNE, responsible for deciding on questions of medical ethics, insists on leaving the choice to the parents and excludes imposing a health pass for children.
08:43 : In an opinion eagerly awaited by the government, CCNE gives the green light to a possible extension of vaccination to children without comorbidities. The High Authority for Health must now decide on the subject before a possible launch of the campaign.
08:29 : The National Consultative Ethics Committee approves the opening of vaccination to all children aged 5 to 11.
08:27 : On France 2, Professor Gilles Pialloux pleads for “self-tests for everyone, including children” as the holidays approach. It recommends ventilating the places of meals and“avoid fragile people”, especially “the people [sans facteur de risque] who missed the reminder “.
8:17 a.m. : According to this Danish study, the Pfizer vaccine “is not associated with a higher risk of myocarditis or pericarditis than in women”. In contrast, having received a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is associated with a lower risk of death from cardiac arrest compared to unvaccinated.
8:15 a.m. : A study carried out on the entire Danish population, published in the British Medical Journal, confirm “a higher risk of myocarditis or pericarditis“ with the Moderna vaccine, especially in “12-39 years old”. These problems remain very rare and not very serious, with no deaths observed in Denmark.
08:09 : Hard blow for Johnson & Johnson in the United States. Health authorities recommend that all American adults be vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna rather than with “J&J”, because of a risk of thrombosis confirmed by new data on the subject.
07:59 : The rate of eligible French people who will have received their booster dose by January 15 could be less than 91%. Indeed, appointment booking data show a sharp decline during the end-of-year holidays, which could slow down the current pace. As a reminder, 9 million people risk having their health pass deactivated in mid-January.
07:52 : Will all French people eligible for a booster dose be able to receive their injection before January 15? If the campaign keeps the same daily cadence, in theory we could achieve a rate of almost 91% of the eligible population, as I explain to you in this article.

07:44 : In a joint statement, the leaders of the 27 EU countries call for the restrictions decided by each state “do not disproportionately interfere with freedom of movement”. Not enough to cool Portugal, for example, which announces that it will “maintain the obligation to present a test“ beyond January 9 to enter its territory from a European country.
8:15 a.m. : Why not make entry into France conditional on a negative test for European travelers (as is already the case for non-Europeans)? This measure would have a “very low efficiency”, justifies Emmanuel Macron, because most movements are made by cross-border people, who are in any case exempt from these tests.
8:15 a.m. : “We do not plan to set up tests within the EU, because we are committed to the proper functioning of our common space.”
Unlike some European countries such as Ireland, Portugal or Italy, France does not intend to impose the presentation of a negative test to travelers arriving from other European countries, said the head of state, last night, after a European Council in Brussels.
07:26 : What will the government announce at the end of the day, at the end of the health defense council? A measure could concern self-tests: the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced yesterday that access to these devices would be “ease” so that “the French can be massively tested before the end of the year celebrations”.
07:09 : Some newspapers look at the phenomenon of false health passes, especially in Sarthe, where “the identity and professional data of a nurse in Le Mans have been stolen”, according to Free Maine.

6:10 a.m. : What is happening in this world? Here is a first point on the news:
• A new health defense council is planned this afternoon at the Elysee Palace, after which new measures could be unveiled. Yesterday, the executive already announced a tightening of travel conditions between France and the United Kingdom, very affected by Omicron.
• What place does she intend to play in the countryside on the left? Former socialist justice minister Christiane Taubira is due to speak at the end of the morning with the intention of “weigh in on yourself to try to federate”, according to a relative.
• A fire in a building housing a clinic in Osaka has claimed many lives, according to local firefighters. Relief has identified 27 people “in cardio-respiratory arrest”, whose death must be confirmed by a doctor.
• Olympic champions on their way to world gold? France faces Denmark at 5.30 p.m. in the semifinals of the World Cup in Spain. Les Bleues leave with the status of favorites, even if the Danes are also undefeated since the start of the tournament.