the National Assembly votes for a modulation of the duration of compensation according to the economic situation

The first article of this bill was adopted Tuesday evening at first reading despite protests from the left and the National Rally.

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MPs voted the key measure of the unemployment insurance reform project. The National Assembly approved, Tuesday, October 5 in the evening, the article allowing to extend the current rules of unemployment insurance, resulting from a contested reform of the first five-year Macron, despite protests from the left and the National Rally. . At first reading, the deputies adopted by 203 votes against 165 the first article of this bill, in order to modulate the duration of compensation according to the situation.

It thus opens up the possibility, by decree, of modulating unemployment insurance so that it is “stricter when too many jobs are unfilled, more generous when unemployment is high”, in the words of Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign.

After a consultation phase of six to eight weeks with the social partners, the government will decide by decree on the form that this modulation will take, for entry into force at the start of 2023.

The Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt also confirmed in the hemicycle a “very differentiated application for overseas territories”, hardest hit by unemployment. The examination of the unemployment insurance reform bill will continue on Wednesday, before a passage by the Senate from October 25.

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