The National Assembly united against the expulsion of Firas Bouzgarrou

48 hours after his deportation, Firas Bouzgarrou now enjoys the support of the 125 deputies of the National Assembly, who unanimously adopted a motion asking the federal government to regularize the status of this Tunisian worker. Tabled Wednesday by the deputy of Quebec solidaire, Andrés Fontecilla, the motion underlines that Mr. Bouzgarrou is an essential worker “perfectly integrated and francophone” and that he benefits from a “strong movement of sympathy and popular support” of Quebecers , so many good reasons for the federal Minister of Immigration, Sean Fraser, to allow him to “continue to live in Quebec.” “

Last week, The duty had related the story of this Tunisian father who lost his permanent residence which he had obtained in 2013 because he had stayed too long in Tunisia with his daughter struggling with serious health problems and with her woman who has lived through the mourning of her father. However, the law stipulates that to have permanent residence, one must be present on Canadian soil for a minimum of 730 non-consecutive days (2 years) over the five years following the issuance of the status, which was impossible for Mr. Bouzgarrou. .

After having challenged – in vain – this decision in the federal court, Mr. Bouzgarrou filed an application for permanent residence on humanitarian grounds, where it is for him to prove that he is well integrated and that he deserves to stay. . But the response, received about a month ago, was negative.

According to his lawyer, this Tunisian in his late thirties has everything of an exemplary worker: “We reject him, but he ticks all the boxes. [de l’immigrant] which we need in our society today, when we are talking about a labor shortage and the decline of the French language, ”said Guillaume Cliche-Rivard. Perfectly French-speaking, Mr. Bouzgarrou currently has three jobs, the main one with the CAD railways company in Lachine, which manufactures train cars.

The office of the Minister of Immigration, Nadine Girault, says it is sensitive to the situation and intends to communicate with the new federal minister to discuss the file, since the decision is up to him. “If he decides to reverse his decision, we would be prepared to deal with his case in accordance with the rules that apply”, underlines Flore Bouchon, Ms. Girault’s press officer who is currently recovering from an intervention. minor surgery. She is replaced by the Minister of Labor, Jean Boulet.

Last week, five elected provincial and federal officials held a joint press conference to support Firas Bouzgarrou. With the federal deputy Alexandre Boulerice, of the New Democratic Party (NDP), Andrés Fontecilla called for an emergency intervention from Ottawa in this file. Saul Polo, from the Liberal Party of Quebec, Méganne Perry Mélançon, from the Parti Quebecois, and Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe, from the Bloc Quebecois, also supported this approach.

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