the National Assembly rejects article 2, which proposed the creation of a “senior index” in companies

With 256 votes against and 203 votes for, as well as 8 abstentions, article 2, which proposed a “senior index” to encourage companies to preserve their workforce of senior employees, was finally rejected.

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A setback for the government. The National Assembly rejected, Tuesday, February 14 at the end of the evening, article 2 of the pension reform project proposing the creation of a “senior index” to encourage companies to preserve their number of senior employees.

With 256 votes against and 203 votes for, as well as 8 abstentions, article 2 was finally rejected. The announcement of the election results by the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, was greeted with thunderous applause from the deputies of Nupes and LR, who spoke out against this index. The RN group also voted against this article.

“Victoire !”notably greeted on Twitter Mathilde Panot, president of the group La France insoumise at the National Assembly. “We continue until the withdrawal!”continued the rebellious deputy Bastien Lachaud.

“Tonight, the whole left and the RN celebrate the fact of deleting” this index, lamented for his part the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, who treated them of “Tartuffe”. This defeat for the presidential camp was looming due to the defection of the right, whose votes are necessary for elected Macronists to reach an absolute majority. For LR deputies, the index is “unsuited to the realities of SMEs” and don’t go “not improve the employment rate of seniors”.

This proposal could however be reintroduced in the continuation of the parliamentary shuttle. More than 14,200 amendments remain to be examined by Friday evening, and 18 articles of the bill. Voted or not, Friday at midnight, the pension reform will have finished its course at first reading in the National Assembly and will go to the Senate.

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