A citizen petition asking for its dissolution, signed by nearly 264,000 people, had already been discussed and then classified in the Law Commission.
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Another failure for opponents of the Brav-M. A request from the left for the National Assembly to debate the dissolution of the controversial Brav-M police brigade was rejected on Tuesday May 2. A citizen petition asking for its dissolution, signed by nearly 264,000 people, had already been discussed and then classified in the Law Commission on April 5.
This “Brigade for the repression of motorized violent actions” has been the subject of very strong criticism for several months, and some of its members find themselves under several investigations for violence or threats against demonstrators on the sidelines of rallies against the pension reform in Paris.
After the first setback in the Laws Committee a month ago, the presidents of the socialist and LFI groups, Boris Vallaud and Mathilde Panot, had then tried to give him a second chance, by asking the presidency of the Assembly to still be subject to debate in the hemicycle. The Assembly’s conference of presidents, bringing together the leaders of the various political groups, once again rejected this request.