the National Assembly more divided than ever?



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Together and the Nupes, the two large groups which should win a majority of constituencies, will have to split in the hemicycle. Thus, each party attached to these alliances could benefit from them.

In the second round of the legislative election, the confrontations between the candidates attached to Together! and those of the Nupes are numerous. But we must not forget how these two groups were formed. “It is an alliance of circumstances for these elections. As soon as the results are known on Sunday, each elected representative of these two large blocs should find themselves under another banner. Marche! and Horizons. Each of these groups intends to create its own in the National Assembly, which is why they have joined forces”, explains Mohamed Mezeraï, live from the editorial staff of franceinfo. A pattern that can also be found on the Nupes side: “It should also be divided into four independent groups. La France insoumise, the French Communist Party, Europe-Ecologie-Les-Verts and the Socialist Party.”

“So we will probably end up with two large blocks, scattered in several small groups“, he continues. But what are the advantages or disadvantages of having so many subsets? “There are advantages to having a group in the Assembly, such as more speaking time and a platform with more visibility. But also representation in committee and funding. A group can help nurture certain ambitions. We think in particular of Édouard Philippe who may already be thinking of the presidential election of 2027”finally specifies Mohamed Mezeraï.

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