The work of the twenty-six parliamentarians who make up this mission must begin on April 8.
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The National Assembly launched, Tuesday March 26, an information mission on “the local role and territorial anchoring of elected officials”, a few days after the rejection of a text wishing to reinstate a form of accumulation of mandates. The creation of this mission was approved by the conference of presidents of the National Assembly, on the proposal of its president, Yaël Braun-Pivet. It comes as the majority is considering establishing proportional representation in legislative elections
“We all see that the link between citizens and politicians is only weakening”declared the President of the Assembly on Friday in an interview with the newspaper Le Figaro. Recalling a “promise” of Emmanuel Macron in 2017, she advocates in particular the establishment of a “dose” of proportional voting for the legislative elections, in order to designate “152 deputies out of 577”while preserving the map of current constituencies and the departmental level.
His proposal is not unanimous among the majority. The president of the Renaissance group, Sylvain Maillard, is against the idea, believing that it would lead elected officials to “frog at seat” of the party to hope to appear on the proportional ballot lists. In order to identify avenues for “strengthen the link between national elected officials and their territory”, 26 parliamentarians will therefore work on this subject. Each group will benefit from a number of seats proportional to its weight in the National Assembly. They are expected to begin their work on April 8.