For Mathilde Panot, the president of the LFI deputies, “the National Rally is not an opposition to the government of Michel Barnier and Emmanuel Macron, but rather the life insurance of the system”.
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End of course for the dismissal procedure of Emmanuel Macron. Engaged by La France insoumise at the National Assembly, thehe proposed resolution on the dismissal of the President of the Republic will not be examined in the hemicycle. The decision was taken by the conference of presidents on Tuesday October 8. Which effectively puts an end to the procedure, announced the head of the group, Mathilde Panot, and a parliamentary source. “Emmanuel Macron will not have to endure a debate in the hemicycle on (his) dangerous and erratic behavior” after the legislative elections, denounced Mathilde Panot, the leader of the rebellious group in the Assembly.
The text, largely rejected on Wednesday in committee, had to be included in the hemicycle on the 13th day at the latest, i.e. October 15 at the latest. The four left-wing groups having “pronounced for” this debate in the hemicycle, “it was therefore Madame Le Pen who, in a way, saved Mr. Macron from the impeachment procedure”added Mathilde Panot. According to her, “the National Rally is not an opposition to the government of Michel Barnier and Emmanuel Macron, but rather the life insurance of the system”.