The final vote on this contested reform could be scheduled for April.
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After the Senate, the Assembly approved on Tuesday March 19, by one vote, the controversial merger of the two players in nuclear safety: the ASN, watchdog of the power plants, and the IRSN, responsible for technical expertise.
The bill relating to the governance of nuclear safety, which provides for the creation on January 1, 2025 of a Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority, was approved by 260 deputies against 259, with some Republicans adding their voices to those of the majority.
To everyone’s surprise, the RN, which had approved the main article of the bill last week, finally voted against. All left-wing groups, whether pro or anti-nuclear, voted against.
A joint joint commission envisaged
“The bill relating to the organization of nuclear safety has been adopted. It is an essential step in the relaunch of nuclear power”reacted on X the Minister of Industry Roland Lescure, who thanks “all parliamentarians, from the majority as well as from the opposition, who voted for this text”.
The government had planned before the vote to convene a joint committee on April 3. If this was conclusive, the two chambers would be required to vote on a definitive adoption of the new version of the text.
The merger of these two bodies aims, according to the government, to “fluidify” the nuclear sector and to reduce delays, while the executive wishes to relaunch the atom and build new reactors. The project has encountered opposition from numerous elected officials, unions and employees of the two entities, who fear a disorganization of French nuclear safety and a loss of independence of experts.