“The spouse who has just killed his partner is excluded from the latter’s inheritance (…) But the law is silent today on the fate to be reserved for matrimonial advantages,” explained MP Perrine Goulet in a report .
Reading time: 1 min

The MoDem is at the origin of this initiative. The National Assembly approved at first reading, Thursday January 18, a text allowing spouses to be deprived of matrimonial benefits linked to their marriage contract, when they have been found guilty of murder or attempted murder of their spouse. It was approved by all 78 voters.
The Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, welcomed a text putting an end to a “unfair situation”. Currently, “the spouse who has just killed his partner is excluded from the latter’s inheritance (…) But the law is silent today on the fate to be reserved for matrimonial benefits”explained MP Perrine Goulet in her report.
With the text, the tax administration will be able to exempt a person separated from their spouse from being joint and several with their debt in more cases. For example, when the ex-spouse is guilty of fraud or domestic violence. “We are putting an end to an injustice”welcomed X the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire.