The National Assembly adopts at first reading the simplification of parental control over connected objects

The bill, which must now be examined in the Senate, wants to oblige manufacturers of connected devices to include free and easy-to-use parental controls.

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Objective: to better protect children from the dangers of the Internet. The National Assembly gave, Tuesday, January 18, a unanimous green light at first reading to a text facilitating the use of parental control on connected objects.

With the aim of protecting minors from pornography, cyberbullying or online violence, the bill presented by LREM deputy Bruno Studer was adopted at the start of the evening by all 82 voters. The text had already received unanimous support when it passed through the committee.

The bill, which must now be examined in the Senate, wants to oblige manufacturers of connected devices to include free and easy-to-use parental controls, devices that are still too little known or used. Parents could then choose whether or not to activate this tool installed by default, when the device is first put into service.

Computers, smartphones, tablets, televisions, connected watches, video game consoles would be affected, but not the boxes of telecom operators and home automation. The “minimum features” and “technical characteristics” of this parental control will be specified by decree. They could evolve according to technological advances, but should remain simple to handle.

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