The National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office opens an investigation after the murder of a French tourist in Morocco

This 79-year-old French national was killed on Saturday in a Tiznit market with a knife. A 31-year-old suspect has been arrested.

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The National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) announced, Wednesday, January 19, the opening of an investigation for “assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise” after the murder, on Saturday, of a French tourist in Tiznit, in southern Morocco. .

This 79-year-old French national was killed in a Tiznit market with a knife. She lived in a campsite near this small town. A 31-year-old suspect was arrested the same day in Agadir, just a few kilometers from the crime scene. He is also suspected of having committed “an attempted murder” of a Belgian in Agadir, according to Moroccan police. The latter was stabbed and hospitalized in this tourist town. His days are not in danger. The man had previously been admitted to a psychiatric hospital “from September 25 to October 25, 2021”, according to the Moroccan police.

Following the murder of the septuagenarian, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs had “recommended to be vigilant in all public places and when traveling in Morocco”, in a travel advice posted on the website of the French Embassy in Morocco.

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