The Narreklepfer of the Butcher Jaegli in Sélestat

The “fool’s stick”, literally translated from Narreklepfer, is one of the symbols of Selestadian carnivals. This unique piece of charcuterie attracts many gourmets to the city’s butcher shops every year.

The Narreklepfer, this elongated sausage, with a slightly smoky and spicy taste, to be reheated like a knack was created by the butchers of Sélestat in 1975.

Bruno Jaegli tells you his story and gives you some ingredients (the recipe remains secret).

In the past, it was only sold on Mardi-Gras day, but today, we treat ourselves a little longer.

Jaegli butcher’s Facebook page.

3 Victory Square

67600 Selestat

Tel: 03 88 92 32 52

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