“The myth is collapsing”: Karine Le Marchand shares the secret of her divine silhouette

For fans of Karine Le Marchand, there is little doubt: her physique has always been one of her main assets (along with humor). However, the myth of her goddess body has taken a hit in recent hours on Instagram when the beautiful brunette revealed one of her secrets…

TV host Karine le Marchand is a true glamor icon. Always impeccable when it comes to presenting its flagship show Love is in the meadow, it is no coincidence that the 1m77 Lorraine had started a career as a model, before heading to the media and more specifically television. But what the public didn’t know yet was a little secret from the host, a little something you don’t see on screen. And it took the star a detour to a massage parlor for fans to discover that their idol had… cellulite!

The ex of Lilian Thuram (against whom she had filed a complaint) released the news in a tone of humor while she was in the middle of a massage therapy session in an institute in Neuilly-sur-Seine. On the image we discover the star of Love is in the meadow on the massage table while a physio is rolling him”to firm the skin“. Salima, the physio, outbids in stride “it will remove all your cellulite!“Before the host retorts, embarrassed by this unflattering remark,”but people didn’t know I had any!“The story ends with the two women completely hilarious with the scene that has just been filmed. Alya’s mother joked about the situation by commenting”the myth collapses“.

Presenter of the show Love is in the meadow since 2010, Karine Le Marchand has returned for the 17th season of the cult program, to be found every Monday at 9:10 p.m. on M6.

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