The mystery grows around the player Peng Shuai, and Mortelle Adèle, symbol of the fight against bullying

“Harassment is still rife at school, on social networks, without leaving any moment of respite to those who are the victims.” In a video published this morning on social networks, Emmanuel Macron announces new measures to deal with the school bullying of which 6 to 10% of schoolchildren are said to be victims, according to figures published by the Senate. A quarter of college students are said to be facing cyberstalking, this report also underlines.

However, great efforts are made to make staff, students and doctors aware of this psychological or physical violence which can lead to tragedies, such as the suicide last month of Dinah, a high school student in Alsace.

Often, it is former victims who choose to devote time and energy to this outreach work, going to colleges, writing books, as if the harassment is forever marking those who have faced it. Two of them testify in the “Fifteen minutes” today: Noémya Grohan, president of the Génér’action Solidaire association, which raises awareness in schools, and Antoine Dole, creator of the comic book series Mortal Adele.

She is 35 years old, she is a former world number 1 and a star in her country, and she has been missing for 16 days: concern is growing about Peng Shuai’s disappearance. It all started on November 2, when the player publicly accused a former senior regime executive of rape. Since more news, apart from a message released today by Chinese official media where she writes “to go well”, but this arouses more misunderstanding than relief because many question the authenticity of this message.

Especially since Peng Shuai is not the first celebrity to disappear in China in this way. The boss of Interpol, the owner of the Alibaba group and the actress Fan Bingbing have also been targeted by these “enforced disappearances” denounced by associations for the defense of human rights and which can last for several months. The international mobilization could perhaps change things this time: “the voice of women must be heard and respected, without being dictated or censored” writes today Steve Simon, the boss of the female professional circuit, making of Peng Shuai a symbol of the me-too movement and the difficult free speech.

Guests: Antoine Dole, author, and Noémya Grohan, president of Génér’action solidaire

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