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Last week, several dozen jihadists attacked a prison in Hassaké. It is the most important action carried out by jihadist fighters since the defeat and the end of the caliphate more than three years ago.
Daesh still strikes in Syria, often through sleeper cells. Last Thursday, the Hassaké prison was stormed by a hundred heavily armed men who wanted to provoke a mutiny. The prison, located in northeast Syria, housed more than 3,000 detainees, the majority of them former IS members. After five days of fighting, the Kurds, helped by foreign soldiers, were able to retake the building. “US and UK special forces entered the prison because it is not yet fully controlled by Kurdish forces“, explains the independent journalist on the spot Mohammed Hassan. Besieged, the fighters went yesterday in small groups then by tens. They were then taken to an undisclosed location.
The fighting around the prison caused the departure of 45,000 people, the majority of them women and children. “There were bombings, people were massacred in their homes. The situation is catastrophic. We left because we are afraid“, says a mother on the way to exile. The attack on the prison of Hassaké is the most important action carried out by jihadist fighters since the defeat and the end of the caliphate more than three years ago. year.