A new lease of life for the works of Mozart, Vivaldi or Verdi? These timeless composers have been covered, among other pieces, by the musician and electronic music producer Thylacine, in a just released album: “And 74 Musicians”. A long-standing fantasy for him, which multiplies original projects, and builds bridges between not-so-distant genres.
Reading time: 1 min

Mozart, Verdi, Vivaldi, Handel… For Thylacine, how to reinterpret without betraying? “Without asking too much the question of the masterpiece we destroy or not, he answers. The idea was really to play and pay homage, with a very new, very reinvented reading, like that, to have fun“. The fun for compass therefore, not negligible when you add the services of the 74 musicians of the National Orchestra and the Maîtrise des Pays de la Loire.
After having traveled extensively to compose, on the Trans-Siberian Railway or in South America for example, Thylacine immersed himself in the scores of his training years, the conductor and arranger Uèle Lamore providing him with crucial assistance. “It always interested meconfesses the musician. And then there is enormous potential, I remember that when I started making electronic music, I was using old crappy violin sounds, and I started making arrangements like that, because I always had this dream of one day being able to record with a real orchestra“.
From classic to contemporary hit
The most interesting thing, for him who played certain pieces in front of large crowds: to offer classical music an uninhibited setting, and to show that the energy of certain great compositions blends perfectly with electronics. For him, “with an orchestra like that, you can really have fun, for example by taking a Vivaldi, pushing it even further, making it explosive“.
“Seeing people shouting and jumping on Vivaldi, where we are used to understanding classical music in a fairly calm, very seated way, and suddenly letting go of it a little, it was very interesting. that, in truth, classical music at the time was experienced in a much more exalted way than we experience it today.”
For the occasion, Thylacine also reworked its own songs, such as Poly. And if going on tour with more than 80 musicians remains a major challenge, he will play this album at the Seine Musicale on March 6 and 7, then at the Ancient Theater in Vienna on June 22. Only majestic frames to say the least.
Thylacine, classic fantasies and electronic passions | Yann Bertrand’s column
Thylacine, And 74 Musicians (SonyMusic). Album available.