The Musée d’Orsay victim of an attempt to throw soup on a painting by an environmental activist

The Musée d’Orsay filed a complaint for “attempt to damage a work” after having prevented a young girl from throwing soup on a table on Thursday, indicates the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office this Sunday, confirming information from our colleagues from Parisian.
“Following the filing of a complaint for acts qualified as attempted degradation filed by the Musée d’Orsay, an investigation was opened” and entrusted to the 7th arrondissement police station.

If the museum does not wish to communicate on the identity of the painting in question, Le Parisien affirms that the young girl first intended to stick her face on the famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh Self-portrait in Saint-Rémy before, since she had been prevented from doing so, attempting to throw soup on a canvas by Gauguin.

A series of actions in European museums

This action came on the heels of other similar acts in recent weeks in Europe. Environmental activists threw tomato soup on the glass plate protecting Van Gogh’s Sunflowers at the National Gallery in London and others in Germany. smeared with mashed potatoes the glass protecting millstonesa painting by Claude Monet. The Girl with the Pearl Earring, famous painting by Johannes Vermeer, was put back in its place on Friday in a Dutch museum after being targeted by three activists from the collective “Just Stop Oil” last Thursday, without having been damaged.

France is not “safe one day that a fanatical activist attacks a painting” unprotected, had warned last Tuesday the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul Malak, asking “to all national museums to redouble their vigilance”.

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