The city of Tours is launching a promotional campaign to make the social real estate agency Soliha better known. This agency offers a solidarity approach to allow households in difficulty to be well housed without their owners running the risk of not being paid.
A device from which everyone must come out a winner
The landlords already have nothing to manage: Soliha finds the tenants, makes the inventory, takes care of collecting the rents and guarantees any unpaid bills or damage. Owners also benefit from very advantageous taxation and a bonus, the amount of which can reach 3,000 euros. They can also benefit from financial aid for work in the accommodation.
©City of Tours website
Béatrice Morin has been renting the house she has owned in Notre Dame d’Oé for several months, according to this system, and she only sees advantages in it: “I did it for a human purpose, first, but it is a device that has many advantages, especially because it is the association that takes care of everything. We also have the satisfaction of saying to ourselves that it allows people who would probably have difficulty finding housing because they have insufficient income to have a respectable place to live. everyone wins“.
“It allows people who would probably have difficulty finding housing because they have insufficient income to have a respectable place to live. Everyone is a winner” – a landlady
The municipality of Tours would like to convince about fifteen owners to join this system by next July. It is above all studios or two-room apartments that are sought after, although larger accommodation would also be welcome, of course. “Currently, in Tours, we are in a context where emergency accommodation is saturated” explains the deputy mayor in charge of housing. Marie Quinton specifies: “we have families who are housed in the hotel, we have people who live on the street. It is first of all to these people in precariousness that we want the device to address“.
If you want information, you can reach the Soliha social real estate agency on 02 47 31 66 05 or send an email to [email protected]