the municipalities “are the SMEs of the Republic”, defends David Lisnard

The mayors “are there to seek public performance, to seek to make the functioning of public action in France more efficient”, defended Monday, November 15 on franceinfo David Lisnard, LR mayor of Cannes, candidate for the presidency of theAssociation of Mayors of France (AMF). The 103rd AMF congress will elect from Tuesday and until Wednesday 17 its new president to succeed François Baroin.

“Sewing up the social fabric can only be done with dynamic municipalities. The Association of Mayors of France is there to defend the municipalities because the municipality is modern”, continued David Lisnard. “The town halls represent modernity, proximity, they are the SMEs of the Republic”.

“The municipality is the scale of proximity. Proximity is what creates responsibility. Responsibility is what helps efficiency”judge David Lisnard.

“A mayor is accountable and we would like to regain the confidence of the state, the means to work, anything that is attacked by a finicky state, by the bureaucracy.”

David Lisnard, UDI mayor of Cannes

to franceinfo

The LR mayor of Cannes is opposed by the UDI mayor of Sceaux Philippe Laurent. David Lisnard refuses to talk about his competitor and says to himself “always focused on what (he) offers”. He says he is a candidate with “a project to make the AMF faithful to its vocation of independence which is at stake so that it is independent of this power, that is why I propose a pluralist approach, so that it is at the service of mayors “.“So that the AMF does not become a political party and an annex of power, there must be pluralism, the center, the right, the left are at the service of the municipalities”, insists the chosen one.

David Lisnard believes that “It was very complicated with Emmanuel Macron, especially at the start of the mandate with the nationalization of the housing tax, with the reform of the PLA, which means that it is the municipalities that had to shoulder the burden”.

President LR of Paca Renaud Muselier on Monday called on elected officials from his region to vote for the UDI Philippe Laurent for the presidency of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) against David Lisnard, yet from the same party and from the same region as him. “I haven’t commented on Renaud Muselier’s outings for a long time. He is at the service of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron”, retorted the mayor of Cannes.

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