The municipal council of Grenoble authorizes the wearing of the burkini in municipal swimming pools

The ecologist mayor Eric Piolle opened the session by denouncing “the injunctions on women’s bodies” and those who “allow themselves to comment in a more or less threatening way on the physical appearance of women and their way of dressing”.

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It’s a yes. The municipal council of Grenoble gave the green light, Monday, May 16, to the port of the burkini, this swimsuit covering from head to toe, in municipal swimming pools. The adopted modification of “conditions and prices for access to municipal swimming pools” also allows you to come topless. This one was adopted with 29 votes for, 27 against and 2 abstentions, relates France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

The ecologist mayor Eric Piolle opened the session by denouncing “the injunctions on the body of women” and those who “allow themselves to comment in a more or less threatening way on the physical appearance of women and the way they dress” recalling that Grenoble, by its past, is “a feminist city”. He kept repeating that the burkini is a “non-subject”. According to him, the modification of the internal regulations of municipal swimming pools is only intended to “remove aberrant clothing prohibitions”.

He received the support of a hundred personalities including feminists who believe in a recent forum that “no one should be stigmatized even in the basins because of their choice of jersey”. But for its opponents, the burkini is a blatant symbol of oppression of women and is similar to the full veil that the Taliban have just reimposed on women in Afghanistan.

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