The mules in the ports

Bruno Garcia of the Charente-Maritime fishing federation was interested today on France Bleu la Rochelle in a fish which is not yet one of the darlings of fishermen; So why the mule?

Bruno Garcia : I have a thought for people who are on vacation and who wonder about their program of activities. When you have exhausted all the ideas for excursions, the children can no longer sit still, the weather conditions are not an incentive to go to the beach and well it’s the opportunity to go track down that fish. It’s easy fishing that requires very little preparation and is aimed above all at the whole family.

It is concentrated in the ports this mule?

The distribution is different depending on the species but there are everywhere even in fresh water. I chose ports simply because that’s where the populations are the most important and that’s where the fishing will be the easiest. Be careful though, there are precautions to take! Fishing is only tolerated in the ports. You will have to keep a low profile when asked to move to make way for a boat that comes to moor, not to hinder the passage of walkers, in short imagine that if you do not respect all these rules of courtesy you expose yourself definitely not being able to cast your line on a site where the potential fish is very important.

Why more mules in ports?

It is a fish that is opportunistic for food, all menus suit it. Its diet is made up of larvae, worms, algae that it picks up by digging in the mud or on the hulls of boats and when I speak to you about mud and the hulls of boats you can easily deduce that the ports are for him an ideal place.

You had a little hint for vacationers, I’m on vacation, I listen to the fishing column, it makes me want to fish but I don’t have any equipment available. Buying a cane and all the necessary small equipment can it be a deterrent anyway?

It won’t cost you more than a guided tour! No need for top-of-the-range equipment to fish for mullet. You can find on the market for 10 euros per person: a telescopic rod between 3 and 4 meters, a line all rigged in 14 or 16 hundredths with a hook n° 14 or 16 and a float between 0.5 and 1 gram.

We will have to add what we put at the end of the hook

Whether you are on vacation or at home, it is not a problem to find bread. Hard bread for the bait and fresh breadcrumbs to put on the hook. If you don’t have fresh bread crumbs, you can buy “special fishing” bread from fishing tackle retailers, it has the advantage of holding the hook better. The hard bread you will let it soak for an hour in water and then wring it well and crumble it as finely as possible. It is this preparation that you will disperse around your line every 4 to 5 minutes. When the fish is present do not hesitate to increase the frequency. Last point the depth, in sunny weather the mules will approach the surface, in overcast weather you will find them closer to the bottom.

Event ?

Yes in the town of Chaniers: Water over the ferry from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You will be offered canoe kayak, paddle, navigation of remote-controlled scale models and fishing initiation. Here’s something to keep your Sunday busy.

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