the moving farewell speech of Léa Salamé to Laurent Ruquier in “We are live”

After sixteen years in the second part of the Saturday evening time slot, Laurent Ruquier has decided to retire. The host confirmed Friday, June 3, information made public by our colleagues from Télérama. “Since the information has been released, I confirm that tomorrow night will be my last Saturday night show after 17 seasons together,” he began. “It’s my decision to leave this time slot.“, he explained, justifying his choice by the recent changes linked to the arrival of Léa Salamé in the co-hosting. Laurent Ruquier then evokes a “frustrating” exercise in which he was “not comfortable” and this, “despite my natural understanding with Léa Salamé”.

A few hours before going on air on France 2, Hugo Manos, his companion, confirmed in “TPMP People” that Laurent Ruquier no longer took pleasure in hosting on the model of this new cohabitation. “As he has already said, he has no problem with Léa Salamé, but it’s true that it’s two ways of working that are diametrically opposed.“, he explained.

During the latter live, Laurent Ruquier obviously wanted to send a message. “I wanted thank all viewers for having been kind enough to follow us for the past two years and for myself for longer, for seventeen years.“, he expressed while wishing good luck to Léa Salamé and adding: “I will find youI hope you will be present and faithful, on France 2 at the start of the school year for Les Enfants de la télé and on other programs we are working on.

As for Léa Salamé, she also had a few touching words against her colleague. Lea Salame. “You have followed it for years, but I too have followed you and I think that in the name of millions of French people we can say that you scored on Saturday nights of these. You marked the era too, because there have been so many TV moments and social debates with you.” And to add: “You have highlighted hundreds of artists who were not known. […] Personally, I have always enjoyed working with you. I will miss you.


See also: Ophélie Winter clashed by Laurent Ruquier

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