the movement is taken back to the Feyzin fuel depot

The strike was renewed on Saturday morning at the Feyzin fuel depot (Lyon metropolis), said the CGT, which identified 90% of strikers in the services responsible for deliveries. “The strike has been renewed (…) until Monday”, shipments being closed on Sundays, CGT union representative Pedro Alfonso told AFP. Between 120 and 130 employees are on strike, which represents 90% of the shipping department and the Vemu department (energy, movement and utility) where the movement is concentrated, he added.
Six members of staff, strikers or temporary workers, were requisitioned this Saturday, according to him. “The determination of the strikers is intact,” said the union official, denouncing requisitions made “without respect for the labor code.” Employees will be invited to vote on the continuation of the movement on Monday.

Service stations are facing significant supply difficulties because of this strike movement launched on September 27 in the refineries and depots of TotalEnergies, even if an improvement has been noted in recent days. According to the government, 13% of stations were short of diesel or gasoline on Friday evening, against 16.9% the day before. The employees are demanding a salary increase in the face of inflation and the giant profits reaped by the oil group. The government has requisitioned workers at several sites and work has resumed at several TotalEnergies refineries and fuel depots, after an agreement negotiated last week between two unions and management. The CGT did not sign this agreement and two sites continue their strike, in Gonfreville in Normandy and in Feyzin near Lyon.

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