The weekly’s teams are due to meet Geoffroy Lejeune for the first time on Wednesday.
Reading time : 1 min.

This is unprecedented in the history of the newspaper. The drafting of JDD voted almost unanimously to extend the strike until Wednesday, for its 12th consecutive day, its society of journalists (SDJ) announced on Tuesday July 4. The teams, which denounce the appointment at the head of the weekly of the journalist marked on the far right Geoffroy Lejeune, must meet him for the first time on Wednesday. They will meet the same day to decide whether or not to renew this movement which began on June 22.
In total, 97% of voters expressed themselves in favor of continuing the strike (89 for, three against, six abstentions).
Two Sundays without publication
The SDJ press release does not specify whether or not the newspaper will appear on Sunday. It has been two consecutive Sundays since he has appeared. The previous strike in 2016 affected only one Sunday. The drafting of JDD still asks the management of Lagardère News, owner of the weekly, to “to renounce the nomination of Geoffroy Lejeune” and D’“provide the editorial staff with guarantees of legal and editorial independence”.
Many observers see in the arrival of Geoffroy Lejeune at the head of the newspaper, closely followed by political and economic circles, the hand of the billionaire Vincent Bolloré, with opinions reputed to be ultra-conservative. The latter leads the Vivendi group, a giant of the media in France, which includes the Canal+ group and its channels C8 and CNews, as well as Prisma, the leading magazine press group, and the publishing group Editis.
The appointment of Geoffroy Lejeune came just after the green light given, subject to conditions, by the European Commission to Vivendi to absorb Lagardère, a group to which Paris MatchEurope 1 and the publishing leader, Hachette.