The president of the RN group calls on the opposition to “get away from sectarianism” to overthrow the government of Gabriel Attal.
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A motion of censure will be tabled in the National Assembly on Friday by the National Rally (RN), announced Thursday May 30 on franceinfo the president of the RN group Marine le Pen. This motion will be debated on Monday. Marine le Pen calls on all opposition deputies to “get out of sectarianism” and to vote for this text to overthrow the government of Gabriel Attal.
At the end of April, the RN and France Insoumise both threatened the government with such a motion if it persisted in its refusal to present an amending finance law, linked to the 20 billion in savings necessary to complete the budget. Marine le Pen, who denounces “the situation of ruin” provoked in the country by the executive, ensures that its deputies “will also vote” the motion presented by the Insoumis.
From February, the downward revision of growth expected in 2024 (from 1.4% to 1%) led the executive to cancel by decree ten billion euros of credits, in areas ranging from ecology to development aid, through higher education. After the expected public deficit slipped (5.1% of GDP instead of 4.9%), Bercy even announced the quest for 10 billion additional savings this year.