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Nine votes failed, Monday, March 20, to the transpartisan motion tabled Friday following the 49-3. The pension reform is therefore definitively adopted.
He missed nine votes. The rejection is massive, but not in the majority, this Monday, March 20 in the National Assembly. Immediately, deputies of the Nupes brandished signs and made an appointment in the street. For the majority, it is relief. “There is a majority in the Senate on which we can rely, there is a majority in the Assembly“, observes Éric Woerth, Renaissance MP for Oise. Earlier in the afternoon, Charles de Courson launched discussions on the motion of censure tabled by his group.
Appeal to the Constitutional Council
“Courage, respect for institutions, respect for your commitments should have led to the vote. We wanted to vote, even the majority groups wanted to vote. This vote, you would most likely have lost it, but it is the rule in a democracy”, said the deputy of the Marne. Each group then tried to make an impression. Very marked, Elisabeth Borne defended the merits of the reform at the podium. If the reform is adopted, the opposition has already announced an appeal to the Constitutional Council.