the motion of censure of the Nupes against the government will be put to the vote on Monday July 11

This motion of censure, called a motion of “defiance” by the deputies of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), will have to bring together an absolute majority in the National Assembly to be adopted, that is to say at least 289 voice.

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The motion of censure against the government, tabled by the four groups of the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) will be put to the vote in the National Assembly on Monday July 11, learned franceinfo from a parliamentary source, Thursday July 7.

>> We explain to you how the motion of censure wielded by the Nupes against the government of Elisabeth Borne works

The vote will be preceded by a debate, scheduled for 4 p.m. the same day. For the government to fall, an absolute majority of deputies must vote for this motion of censure. In other words, it must gather at least 289 votes.

On their own, the groups La France insoumise, Socialists and related, ecologist and Democratic and Republican Left (which includes the Communists) do not reach this threshold. The adoption of this motion of censure is more than uncertain, insofar as the groups Rassemblement national and Les Républicains have not planned to support it.

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