the mother of the child found dead in a suitcase has been indicted for “intentional homicide on a minor under 15 years old”

Suspected of having killed her 10-year-old son, the 33-year-old woman has been remanded in custody, the public prosecutor of Meaux announced on Sunday.

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The mother of the child found dead in a suitcase was indicted for “voluntary homicide of a minor under 15” and was placed in pre-trial detention, the public prosecutor of Meaux announced on Sunday January 30. This 33-year-old woman was arrested on Friday in Choisy-le-Roi (Val-de-Marne) and placed in police custody.

The boy’s father reported the disappearance of his 10-year-old son and his partner on Wednesday evening as he returned to his home in Seine-et-Marne around 7 p.m., according to the Meaux prosecutor’s office.. The child’s lifeless body was found late Thursday morning, “hidden in a suitcase on wheels, in a rubble dumpster a hundred meters from the family pavilion”. According to the autopsy of the body, the boy was killed “by means of a bladed weapon, such as a knife”.

During her custody, the mother did not explain the facts. “She also remained evasive about her schedule between the presumed time of the child’s death and the date of her arrest”, adds the public prosecutor. During her arrest, she was in possession of a knife bearing traces of blood. This must be analyzed.

The woman has no established psychiatric history. However, “it seems that she presented, according to her relatives, sometimes incoherent behavior, and that she would have been taken by them to a psychiatrist after the confinement in the spring of 2020”, continues the prosecution.

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