“The most powerful turbine in the world” should soon be in operation


France 2

Article written by

S. Feydel, M. Anglade, Y. Moine, F. Prigent – France 2

France Televisions

The Flamanville EPR (Manche), the next-generation nuclear power plant, should load fuel in 2023 and start producing energy two months after commissioning. The construction of the plant has already taken eleven years of delay.

Endless construction, industrial failure. It’s a reputation that sticks to the skin of Flamanville (Manche) and that EDF is trying to make people forget, with a message: it’s the last straight line. The plant will finally produce electricity. EDF insists: in the engine room, we are finishing. The 70 meter long turbine will soon be started. “It is the most powerful turbine in the world”says an employee.

Construction of the EPR began in 2007. This third-generation reactor was to be the showcase for French nuclear power, with a schedule quickly deemed unrealistic. Problems of cracks, welding, carbon quality… Over the years, the bill exploded, reaching 12.7 billion today. Will EDF be able to keep its promise, which is to produce electricity here, at the end of 2023? It is far from settled. The series of EPR continues, at least six new reactors must be built.

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