the most famous model Gigi Hadid arrested by the police for possession of marijuana!

Gigi Hadid had a tough time with law enforcement a few days ago. According to information from TMZ, when she flew to the Cayman Islands to have a good time and enjoy her vacation, customs decided otherwise. Indeed, the 28-year-old model, and sister of Bella, was reportedly arrested on July 10, 2023 for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, just after landing in the Cayman Islands from the United States.

Kylie Jenner’s friend and Zayn Malik’s ex-girlfriend reportedly landed in a private jet at Owen Roberts International Airport. After leaving the plane, she would have gone through customs with her luggage before being arrested. Indeed, the customs officers would have scanned the luggage of the sublime blonde and would have found a “small amount of grass”.

See also: Video: Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner: One of their fans arrested and handcuffed by the police!

Gigi Hadid taken into custody before being released for a sum of money

In addition to the marijuana, customs also allegedly confiscated drug paraphernalia. According TMZ, CBC claims for its part that the quantity seized was intended for a “personal use”. Despite this, Gigi Hadid and his companion were arrested for “importing marijuana and importing drug paraphernalia”.

Subsequently, the ex-girlfriend of Zayn Malik was reportedly taken into custody at the Royal Cayman Islands Detention Center, before arranging for bail and eventually being released. This arrest still forced her to pay a $1,000 fine, as reported once again TMZ. More fear than harm for the model who, thanks to this event, will be able to learn a good lesson.

Drugs and “show biz”, a story that lasts…

This arrest may not help the image that fans have of their idols. However, some celebrities have never hidden the fact that they used drugs. In 2006, in the columns of VODactor Samy Naceri known for his role in Taxi had, for example, mentioned his addiction problems.

“The loss of self-confidence, the descent into hell, the nightclubs, the alcohol, the drugs. You think you are the king of the world, and you are the king of… nothing at all! You believe yourself smart, you’re convinced you’re stronger than drugs, but it’s the most vicious. You forget (…) your family, your job. (…) We’re warning you, you don’t listen to no one and you fall, you fall, you fall…”, had at the time recognized the actor, sentenced in 2015 for the use of narcotics. Host Jean-Luc Delarue, who died on August 23, 2012, also admitted to having used cocaine for a long time during an interview in January 2011 in Supplementary Investigation.


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