the Moskva, flagship of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, sank

What there is to know

the Moskva, Russian flagship in the Black Sea, sank during its tow, Thursday, April 14, after being considerably damaged at first. Moscow had mentioned an accidental fire and an explosion of ammunition on board, while kyiv had claimed to have hit the ship with a missile. Whatever the circumstances of the sinking, for the Russian army it is one of its biggest setbacks and a major humiliation.

Russia accuses Ukraine of carrying out strikes on its soil.The Russian Investigative Committee claimed that two Ukrainian helicopters “equipped with heavy weapons”had proceeded to “at least six strikes on apartment buildings in the village of Klimovo“, in the border region of Bryansk. kyiv rejected these accusations.

A major Russian offensive still feared in the East. Russia, whose announced massive offensive in the Donbass has still not started, threatened to strike “decision-making centers” in Kyiv.

Fighting continues in Mariupol. Today, after more than forty days, the fighting is confined to the vast industrial zone near the seaside, as Russian forces and their separatist allies in Donetsk have imposed and then gradually tightened their terrible siege.

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