Born 15 months ago, the weekly, sold with the regional dailies, which replaced “TV Magazine”, is the most read in France, with 3.1 million copies each week.
Reading time: 7 min

Thierry Masclot spent 17 years at Prisma Media, including six years at the head of the group’s TV magazines: Tele-Leisure, TV two weeks, TV Major Channels. He left to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure, finally reconnecting with his first love: the TV magazine, whose popular aspect he loved. For two months he has been director of the magazine Divertothe title who replaced TV Magazine a year ago and which is sold with most regional dailies. He confirms that it is a success with more than 3.1 million copies sold per week. A satisfaction which has all the more flavor as he confides: “I grew up with the television press and the regional daily press. Today, at Diverto, I bring the two together. I’m making a sort of dream come true.“
“Diverto is a magazine that goes beyond television. It’s the best of TV, the best of platforms, music and cinema. It’s a great popular culture magazine“, summarizes Thierry Masclot. Rather purchased by an informed public, Thierry Masclot specifies that he is focusing on attracting a younger audience, interested in platforms and series, in particular by taking care of his covers. For him, faced with a plethora of content, “iL will need to buy a positioned TV magazine, like Diverto on the recommendation. What makes a magazine like ours valuable is the recommendation, it’s the editorialization“. His team, made up of journalists, of course, cannot see everything, but it selects and highlights the best, “on is demanding. We produce popular press, demanding press. We owe that to our audience“, he explains.
Partner of the Tour de France 2024
Diverto is an independent magazine and is a partner of some very popular programs such as the series More beautiful life or the show “Koh Lanta“. Partnerships that enrich the magazine. After the partnership with the Séries Mania Festival, this year Diverto will be a partner of the Tour de France. Thierry Masclot promises the distribution of numbers of Diverto in a few stages of the Grande Boucle with an event designed for the arrival in Paris.