the Montpellier Achille Nebout offers a first podium

A podium, before setting sail! At 32, Achille Nebout wanted “end on a high note” on the occasion of his fourth and last participation in the Solitaire du Figaro. The bet is therefore successful.

This Wednesday, the engineer from Montpellier took seventh place in the third and final round of the 53rd edition, which allowed him to retain third position overall, acquired at the end of the second stage.

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After 10 days, 21 hours and just over 55 minutes of racingbetween Saint-Michel-Chef-Chef and Saint-Nazaire, on the Atlantic coast, his dream has come true, he who told us he wanted “get in the ten“, at least, and which told us that beyond the top 5, it would be “fabulous“.

The Hérault sailor, preceded by Tom Laperche, winner, and Guillaume Pirouelle, dolphin, will now be able to to dedicate to new projects, always at seawhich he should soon reveal.

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