He was impatiently awaited in Tours. Lhe Monster by artist Xavier Veilhan is finally back at Place du Grand Marché ! This Friday, August 26, public works officers reinstalled the city’s iconic statue. It had been removed on January 17 by the city services because of the work carried out on the square, now entirely pedestrianized. Many Tourangeaux were pleased to note his return.
Restored, the Monster is now all beautiful and clean. ” He has rejuvenated! Looks like it’s brighter! “, exclaims a Tourangelle who attended the reinstallation of the statue. ” It has been renovated by the studios Veilhan. Its surface has been scraped. Several layers have been put back, but the structure is the same“, details Christopher Dupincultural assistant in Tours. The renovation of the statue cost nearly 20,000 euros to the metropolis of Tours.
A pedestrian square
The return of the Monster marks the end of the work carried out on the Place du Grand Marché since last January. Paving stones have replaced the bitumen, and benches have been installed. No more car trips. We now travel only on foot or by bicycle. Sandrine is a childminder. She appreciates the metamorphosis of the place. “There are fewer cars, it’s more pleasant. With the children, now, we often come for a walk here in the afternoon. Before, we avoided the street because of the traffic“, she explains.
– Irene Prigent
After months of work, it is also the relief for the many traders located on the square. They hope for an increase in their clientele. Stéphanie was able to reinstall the terrace of her restaurant, and this time, away from cars! “Before, we had to cross the street to serve customers. It was dangerous. Now people will be able to enjoy the terrace more“.
In his bakery, Maxime is already seeing more traffic each morning: “when you’re having a coffee and there’s no car around, it’s even better. We can see it with Place Plumereau, very dynamic “. The works are not yet completely finished on the square. The irrigation network must still be installed in September and new plantations are expected in the fall.