the monarchy continues to divide the country



Article written by

J. Benzina, J. Pelletier, T. Crequer, C. Beauvalet – franceinfo

France Televisions

On Tuesday September 13, King Charles III visited Northern Ireland, a country where unanimity is only a facade, because the crown continues to divide.

For his first visit as king to Northern Ireland, Charles III was warmly welcomed on Tuesday, September 13. He remained in contact with the public for many minutes then drove through Belfast, applauded by Northern Irishmen attached to the monarchy. “He is really welcome in the country”, says a woman. But unanimity is only a facade, in Northern Ireland, because the crown continues to divide, after years of armed conflict.

In Belfast, high walls still separate certain republican districts opposed to the monarchy from unionist districts, loyal to the crown. In a republican district, the inhabitants do not recognize the new sovereign. Dan Murphy is the spokesperson for an anti-monarchy party: “We believe that kings and queens should not exist in the 21st century. It is an archaic institution that one would want to abolish immediately.” According to an April poll, only 30% of the population of Northern Ireland would be in favor of the reunification of the island.

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