the mobilization empties the villages of their men


Video duration: 5 min

War in Ukraine: mobilization empties the villages of its men

As the conflict bogs down, Volodymyr Zelensky signed the bill to lower the age of mobilization from 27 to 25 on Tuesday April 2, because the Ukrainian army lacks men. Some towns have already been emptied of their male population, and women are running the factories there.

(France 2)

As the conflict bogs down, Volodymyr Zelensky signed the bill to lower the age of mobilization from 27 to 25 on Tuesday April 2, because the Ukrainian army lacks men. Some towns have already been emptied of their male population, and women are running the factories there.

In Luzanivka, in central Ukraine, the population is around 400 people, and 50 men have gone to the front. “I wasn’t prepared for that. If in our village there are so many men in the army, you can imagine what it’s like on the scale of Ukraine”, deplores Valentina Brajnik. Hundreds of kilometers from the front line, this region in the center of the country is the one which, according to local authorities, provides the most soldiers to the Ukrainian army.

1,300 soldiers sent from Kamianka

In the neighboring town of Kamianka, there are only women with their children and elderly people on the streets. The commune sent 1,300 soldiers to the front out of a population of 20,000 people. Already, around sixty of them have died. The economy is also suffering. So, women are called upon, and are hired in positions usually reserved for men.

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