the missing jogger found alive




Article written by

S. Thomas, C. Wormser, PE.Cally, F. Cotenceau, S. Neumay – franceinfo

France Televisions

The 17-year-old jogger who has been missing in Mayenne for more than 24 hours was found alive on Tuesday, November 9. 200 members of the police were mobilized for his research.

After more than 24 hours of research, the anguish gave way to relief in the village of Mayenne where a 17-year-old girl had disappeared. The latter was found safe and sound. “The gendarmerie has been notified and confirms the discovery, alive, of the young girl who disappeared yesterday. She will be taken care of to ensure her state of health”, explains Céline Maigne, prosecutor of the Republic of Laval, in a press release.

The teenager took refuge bloodied and shocked in a snack bar in Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Mayenne). A few hours earlier, an investigation was opened to “kidnapping and forcible confinement”, the concern was great for this young woman without history. “At present, the investigations describe a young girl who has no notable peculiarity. She is perfectly inserted, well surrounded and athletic”, explained Céline Maigne, a few hours after the disappearance of the young woman.

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